5 ways you can help pass Prop J and defeat Prop I

New polling on Prop I and Prop J shows that this race is a dead heat. If the election were held today, there’s a very real chance Prop I would likely pass, and Prop J could lose, ending the JFK Promenade and Great Highway Park forever.

But here’s the good news: there is still time to win. But we need your help more than ever. Voters have their ballots and many are already returning them.

Here are 5 ways you can help the campaign to defeat Prop I in these last three weeks:

Get out and talk to voters.

Canvassing is the most effective way to reach voters and help them understand how devastating Prop I would be for Ocean Beach and the city’s climate adaptation plans. We have canvassing shifts on: 

  1. Mondays 5pm-7pm in the Panhandle

  2. Thursdays 5pm-7pm in the Inner Sunset

  3. Every Saturday and Sunday until election day

  4. Get a list on your own time

Phone bank with us

Can’t get out in person? Make calls with us at SF Bike Coalition HQ on Tuesday nights, or from your own home any time.

Share the campaign with your friends and family

Ask 5-10 friends to support Prop J and oppose Prop I, post to social, and talk to everyone you know about this measure. Many voters are confused, and you can be your friends and families’ most trusted source of information. Use our sharing tools to spread the word

Donate to the campaign

If you can’t get out in person, donate to the campaign to ensure we can get the message out to voters through ads and campaign materials in these last few weeks. Every dollar helps!

Update your profile pic on social

Choose either Yes on J or No on I below, and change your display name while you’re at it.


The KidSafe SF Voter Guide for safer streets and equitable transportation


A Vibrant, Kid-Safe Valencia for Everyone: Let’s Pilot a Greenway on Valencia